Professional development and support for scientists
We carry out projects and activities to support our members in their arrival in this country, their integration and their professional growth.
Buddy Programme
For newcomers or future newcomers to the country.
Mentorship Programme
For our regular and adjunct members.
Activities of scientific professional development and academia-industry transition.
Coordination and representation of Social Science researchers.
Events on scientific professionalisation
Next Step: Success!
Events on grants and scholarships in the Netherlands.
Events on opportunities for scientists outside academia.
Representation, diplomacy and science policy
One of today’s challenges is the increasing use of science and technology in the development of society. This requires that the needs of the professionals who carry out scientific work are represented, that policies for the appropriate use of science are implemented, and that international relations between countries take this new dimension into account.
- To this end, CENL is involved in various science policy initiatives:
We interact with the different agents of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System and their representatives in the Netherlands. - We participate in science diplomacy events, such as the V Meeting of Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy, organised by the Ramón Areces Foundation and FECYT.
We are a member association of RAICEX
The Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers and Scientists Abroad, an association that represents 18 countries and more than 4000 Spanish scientists and researchers around the world and that promotes actions such as the exchange of experiences, advice to the agents of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System and international relations in scientific matters. In this regard, we collaborate in the following actions:
Noelia Lozano, founding president of CENL, is a Member of this Commission and is part of the Board of Directors of RAICEX, in the 2019-2021 period.
The IgR Committee aims to increase the visibility of women scientists and to carry out events and studies on the gender gap in science.
Among others, this Committee has organised a round table on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science in collaboration with AECID.
The ATRAE report is a decalogue of proposals to facilitate the return of Spanish researchers from abroad, presented to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in February 2019. An updated and extended version of the report, which provides comparisons of the different models of science policy at the international level, is currently being developed with the collaboration of some of our members.

We are committed to gender equality in science
Not only through our direct involvement in the IgR Board, mentioned above, but also through our participation in other events related to the role of women in science and society, such as the International Women’s Day 2020 or the 3rd Meeting of Spanish-speaking Women in Europe.
Collaborations and agreements
At CENL we believe that the best way to achieve our objectives is to promote and maintain collaboration with public and private institutions, foundations and other associations, on an ongoing or one-off basis.
Thus, we have established sponsorships with the Ramón Areces Foundation and the Department of Culture and Science of the Spanish Embassy in The Hague. You can see a list of our collaborators at Home.

Divulgación científica
Increasing the social perception of science involves communicating our work in an enjoyable and effective way. For this reason, CENL encourages the organisation of science outreach events and projects.
Our blog consists of sections where CENL members can disseminate their work or their academic education in the Netherlands. In addition, our Communications and Outreach Committees, together with the Committee they lead, coordinate our YouTube channel, social networks and podcast programme, where they report and comment on the latest scientific news and where our events can be revisited.
We also make the work of our members visible through collaborations with the media. We continuously participate in #CientíficosExterior of Radio Exterior de RNE (Punto de Enlace), as well as appearing in Agencia Sinc, MyScientificJournal, APE Magazine, Luciérnagas and La Nueva España.
Annual outreach and networking event to learn about the work of leading Spanish scientists in this country.
Conference of Spanish-speaking Professionals and Scientists in the Netherlands, an outreach and networking event for Spanish-speaking scientists, co-organised with the Cervantes Institute in Utrecht, the Network of Mexican Talents in the Netherlands, the Network of Argentinean Scientists and Researchers in the Netherlands, and the PUCP Alumni Community in the Netherlands.
Juernes CENL
Social events for our members to meet and talk about their experiences and work in a relaxed atmosphere.