CENL’s Blog
Without sharing knowledge, ideas remain stuck
At CENL, we believe in and defend scientific dissemination in all formats. With this blog, we want to go even further. We want to talk about your research, day-to-day life at work, experiences in the Netherlands, and how to return to Spain, among other topics.
The sections of the blog are the following:
- Share your science: in this section, we want you to tell us about your research topic or an essential part of your research field.
- I work here: section as an interview where we want to know your day-to-day at work and how you got there.
- Education: This section will discuss and compare the Dutch and Spanish education systems.
- A coffee with CENL: This section is miscellaneous, but you can talk about any topic related to science, Dutch society, or anything else that comes to mind.
- Back to Spain: some of our CENLers returned to Spain, and in this section, they tell us about their experience and how they are handling the return operation.
Your input (and comments) are always welcome. In your CENL profile you can indicate if you want to participate in the blog.
Do you have any questions? You can write to Aitor Tejo Otero, Marta Martínez Moro or Victor Gervilla editors of the blog.
Deep Learning, Movement Análisis and Neuroscience
I would like to share with you briefly and as pleasantly as possible the daily life of someone who works in a movement analysis laboratory and how the results obtained can improve the quality of life of...
Connections, more than neurons!
Connections, more than neurons! is an official activity part of Brain Awareness Week 2023 sponsored by Fundación Dana, the European Federation of Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the Ramón Areces Foundation.The...
LGBTQ+ Allies 101: Gender Identity and How to Be a Good Ally
In this blog, we want to delve into an important LGBTQ+ issue: gender identity, and show you what tools you can use to be a good LGBTQ+ ally. Gender Identity and pronoun usage To start off clearly and simply gender,...
And what criminals do, how police and governments fight them, what we users do wrong and our personal cyber hygiene. By Beba ARLANZON Computer attacks are the order of the day and yet many people consider them to be...
Education in Netherlands
Before coming to study in the Netherlands, we thought that the education was very similar to what we were used to in Spain, but we were surprised to realize that there are many more differences than we...
January 13th is World Day for the Fight Against Depression Beba Arlanzon Homesickness, homesickness, homesickness, homesickness, homesickness, uprooting? On the World Day for the Fight against Depression and at a...