CENL’s Blog
Without sharing knowledge, ideas remain stuck
At CENL, we believe in and defend scientific dissemination in all formats. With this blog, we want to go even further. We want to talk about your research, day-to-day life at work, experiences in the Netherlands, and how to return to Spain, among other topics.
The sections of the blog are the following:
- Share your science: in this section, we want you to tell us about your research topic or an essential part of your research field.
- I work here: section as an interview where we want to know your day-to-day at work and how you got there.
- Education: This section will discuss and compare the Dutch and Spanish education systems.
- A coffee with CENL: This section is miscellaneous, but you can talk about any topic related to science, Dutch society, or anything else that comes to mind.
- Back to Spain: some of our CENLers returned to Spain, and in this section, they tell us about their experience and how they are handling the return operation.
Your input (and comments) are always welcome. In your CENL profile you can indicate if you want to participate in the blog.
Do you have any questions? You can write to Aitor Tejo Otero, Marta Martínez Moro or Victor Gervilla editors of the blog.
Laila Al Qadi: “Mentoring always focuses on the person and their development”
The second class of mentors accredited by CENL has just finished their training By Beba ARLANZON Tradition tells that the first mentor in history was Mentor, a friend of Ulysses, to whom the Greek hero...
CENL: Ethical Code
In order to talk about the CENL Code of Ethics, it is important, first, to understand why we believe a code of ethics is necessary and what it contributes to an association like ours. Spanish Scientists in...
Laila Al Qadi, an expert in mentoring, will teach the course online on Saturdays, June 10 and 17 By Beba ARLANZON Throughout our lives, we all find ourselves at crossroads. When the decision concerns our...
June, the month of “Pride”: How we have gone from a protest in the streets to being used as pink wash by institutions
June has become the "Month of Pride" worldwide, although in many countries and cities the day of the celebration, parade or "parade" is held in a different month. Pride day has not always been as we know it now,...
Fast bursts from galaxies far, far away
The Universe is a place that still awaits us with many surprises and phenomena to discover. Known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), they are flashes of light observed at radio frequencies that only last for a...
Beyond Academia: Professional Opportunities in Health Sciences
Whether or not to do a PhD in academic research is a choice faced by almost all of us during our studies and throughout our careers. It seems to be expected of us, especially when you are doing an internship...