The differences add up and make us unique. However, navigating the scientific world is not equally easy for everyone: there are barriers – invisible – that mainly affect minorities or specific groups, and hinder equitable access to opportunities in our professional careers. A recent study quantified the disadvantages of various minorities (eg, gender, LGBTQ+, ethnic) and observed that minority scientists suffer from various disadvantages in the scientific system, including social exclusion, fewer opportunities for professional growth, disadvantages salaries, workplace harassment, and lower chances of continuing their STEM career.
With the aim of raising awareness about inequalities in the scientific system, at CENL we recently created the Gender, Diversity and Equality committee. As a kick-off to break the ice and start talking about inequalities in the scientific, labor and social world, on September 30 (3:00 p.m.-5:40 p.m.) we will organize the first of our series of events “We are all CENL : Science is for everyone”, where we will debate the persistent gaps of inequality in Science and the professional world. To this end, we have invited speakers from the academic world, industry, health, public institutions and the social sphere in a round table format, with the aim of discussing these topics with diverse points of view. The round tables, which will be interactive so that the audience can participate in the conversation,
- Women in Science
- LGBTQ+ in Science, and how to be a good ally
- Cultural and ethnic diversity in Science
You will find more details about the program, in which diversity, inclusion and equality in the world will be discussed from various perspectives, such as, for example, raising awareness about minority problems, persistent inequalities in the scientific and labor system, actions to combat inequalities, and the lack of diversity in scientific data.
We want the event to be as interactive as possible, so we invite you to attend the event and participate, the round tables will be interactive to discuss various points of view.
Attendance at the event is free and you can do so here:
To close the event, we will continue the discussion with a ‘Spanish borrel’. We will announce more details soon! (Attendance at the borrel is only possible for CENL members; check out possible memberships here:
Can you help us spread the word about our event to promote more inclusive science?
Cervantes Institute, Domplein 3, Utrecht
September 30, 3:00 p.m.-5:40 p.m.
Followed by a ‘Spanish borrel’(only for members)
Free registration at
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Can you help us to become more? Become a member and participate. Spread our word on the networks. Contact us and tell us about yourself and your project.

Alba M. Muniesa Vargas
PhD Candidate at Erasmus MC
Mi nombre es Alba M. Muniesa Vargas y vengo de Barcelona. Mi primer contacto en el mundo científico empezó en 2011 cuando decidí estudiar el Grado en Biotecnología en la Universidad de Vic (Barcelona). Decidí venir a Holanda en 2016 a estudiar el máster de Biomolecular Sciences en Vrije Universiteit (VU Amsterdam). Disfruté mucho de estos dos años de máster durante los que pude volver a Dinamarca, esta vez a Copenhague, para realizar mis prácticas y el trabajo final del máster. Actualmente me encuentro en la fase final de mi doctorado en el Erasmus MC, finalizando mi tesis y en búsqueda de un nuevo reto profesional. Aunque me apasiona la ciencia y la investigación, mi próximo reto será fuera del mundo académico y del laboratorio, pero manteniendo una conexión cercana con la ciencia, desde la que pueda aportar mi granito de arena. Siguiendo en esta línea, espero poder seguir participando en eventos de CENL y en particular, ¡en la nueva Comisión de Diversidad, Género e Igualdad!