Building digital brains capable of sensing, remembering and deciding
The interdisciplinarity of neuroscience: Bridges between brain, artificial intelligence and physics. In recent years, the recognition of neuroscience as a highly interdisciplinary branch of knowledge has become more than evident. On the one hand, we have recent...
Sustainability in the textile industry
More than thirty percent of the manufactured clothes are never sold It’s one of the first phrases I learned about the controversial textile market. Recently, Netflix released the fantastic documentary “Buy now!”, in which, in addition to stressing that...
Open Science: Towards more accessible and collaborative research
Breaking barriers to build an open science You may have come across an article that is very interesting for your research, but you don’t have access to it. Or maybe you’ve been left with questions about the results of a study but have been unable to...
From Vulnerability to Strength: The Effect of Hormones on Female Mental Health
Hormones and mental health: the invisible impact of the menstrual cycle in women From our first menstrual cycle at puberty to the last one before menopause, women face unique challenges that directly impact our mental health. It is no coincidence that we are twice as...