SRC-directed COX2 inflammatory program drives resistance to BRAF and EGFR inhibition in colorectal tumors
Ana Ruiz, CENL Associate and Assistant Professor in Cell Biology and Medical Oncology at Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands, leads a study from the University of California San Francisco finding that an inflammatory COX2 program transmitted by SRC...
Trained Immunity
Trained immunity is a relatively new concept that has gained prominence in the field of immunology in recent years. This phenomenon refers to the ability of the immune system to become activated when exposed to a series of stimuli, ‘remember’ those...
Do you have children of school age, do you reside in the Netherlands and do you or your partner have Spanish nationality? The Spanish Embassy in the Netherlands offers you the ALCE (Agrupación de Lengua y Cultura Española) program run by the Ministry of...