Do you have children of school age, do you reside in the Netherlands and do you or your partner have Spanish nationality? The Spanish Embassy in the Netherlands offers you the ALCE (Agrupación de Lengua y Cultura Española) program run by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and organized by the Consejería de Educación based in Brussels.
The program is aimed at students of Spanish origin who meet the following requirements:
– Spanish nationality of the student or parent.
– Be at least 7 years old on December 31, 2023 and not be 18 years old on August 31, 2023.
– To be enrolled in the formal education system in the Netherlands.
ALCE is an after-school program, free of charge, which accompanies students throughout their educational cycle. This training allows students to acquire an adequate level of linguistic competence, a broad knowledge of the Spanish socio-cultural reality and a full intercultural enrichment. At the end of these studies, students can obtain the Certificate of Spanish Language and Culture issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, following the levels (B and C) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The courses are organized by stages and levels, in ten courses.
ALCE Netherlands teaches children of Spanish origin, ages 7 to 17, in the Netherlands.
Eight Spanish teachers are teaching about 1,000 students in 21 classrooms throughout the Netherlands.
Classes will be held one day a week during the 2023-2024 school year at the following times:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, between 16h00 and 20h30 Wednesday, between 14h30 and 20h30.
The planning and schedules of the current course can serve as a reference and can be consulted at:
All around Netherlands.
CENL collaborates closely with ALCE in the dissemination of language, culture and science in Spanish by conducting scientific workshops where many of the researches of our members are made known to students of all ages in these classrooms. ALCE children enjoy fun activities that bring them closer to the world of science in a playful and creative way.
Newly enrolled students should contact us to register.
Presenting the following documentation:
1. Identity document of the student.
2. In case the student does not have Spanish nationality, a copy of the passport or identity document in force that proves the Spanish nationality of the father or mother.
Proof of schooling in the Dutch formal education system.
The ALCE classrooms are a space to spread the Spanish culture that favors socialization between families and school-age children.
Can you help us to become more? Become a member and participate. Spread our word on the networks. Contact us and tell us about yourself and your project.

Esperanza Meseguer Navarro
Docente ALCE AMSTERDAM en Arnhem
Lleva a cabo un proyecto que se basa en dar difusión sobre diferentes metaanálisis para la mejora de la educación en diferentes aspectos así como la visibilización de referentes femeninos en la ciencia y las STEAM