We close the year by reviewing all the activities carried out by CENL throughout 2022
If someone asked me to describe CENL in a few words, I would say that we are a beehive: because we do not stop, because we are united, because we pursue the same objectives… And I, who became a member at the end of April, have only seen what has been done in the last 8 months.
The list of activities carried out this year is impressive.
In the face-to-face meetings, our members have discussed topics as diverse as their research in neuroscience (NeuroCENL) or the virtues of Spanish ham. We have not forgotten to give visibility to all women scientists and have shared our “science and experiences” in the hope that they will be useful to others.
The CENLab project brought science in a fun and entertaining way to the students of the ALCE classrooms and the International School of Arnhem. Is it or is it not investing in the “quarry”?
Two workshops have been organized: Alternative scientific careers, for those members who are considering leaving the academic world and moving into business, and the first part of a mentoring training to strengthen the buddy program and better support newcomers.
At the institutional level, the close relationship with RAICEX continues, with CENL playing a very active role. For those who are thinking of returning, we have provided timely information not only on the professional reality in Spain (working conditions and remuneration), but also on return policies (e.g., the ATRAE report of RAICEX or the calls for applications from the Ministry of Science and Innovation).
And let’s not forget the achievements of the CENLers: the CENLers of the month, the publication in Spanish of the Canon of the history of the Netherlands translated by Pablo Rodríguez, the interviews that other media have made to our members (e.g. Andrea Vallés) and the awards obtained (e.g. Mónica Sánchez has been awarded with the medal of the International Union of Geological Sciences).
The communication team is starting to resemble the editorial staff of a newspaper. The blog is published weekly and the entries are translated into English and Dutch. Epsilon (our podcast) takes its first steps. Our social media accounts keep us up to date with all the news and their infographics are a marvel. The WhatsApp group is very active and many members spread the word about vacancies, calls for proposals and funding sources.
And as we still have energy left, we have also celebrated World Bike Day and La Vuelta (which started in Utrecht), we have attended the shows in which our members have performed as artists, we have followed the Science Week organized by Quart de Poblet, we have gone karaoke, we toured the canals of Amsterdam by boat in spring, we have enjoyed the mythical borrels with which each event ends and, above all, we have made a lot of good friends.
Wanted! Volunteers Wanted
The organization of all the activities, as always, falls on the shoulders of a few. So for the New Year and the Three Wise Men we ask for more volunteers. Many small collaborations, even if they are only occasional, can make a difference. We invite you again to get in touch with us. It will be a great experience and your support will enable sustainable growth.
HAPPY 2023!
Can you help us to become more? Become a member and participate. Spread our word on the networks. Contact us and tell us about yourself and your project.

beba arlanzon
Master student in Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience and Public Health International
She holds a degree in Philology and a PhD in Translation from the University of the Basque Country. She is currently in a period of professional transition oriented towards communication.